Double Bill 2015, HD Single Screen. 3 minutes 10 secs
Double Bill, is a playful work that focuses on a remote area of the Mojave Desert, California where age-old objects and pieces of art can be found side by side. Its meditative, eerie images re-appropriate pieces of detritus through the overlay of audio tracks from 1960/70's adverts, turning them into objects of strange beauty. The site sits in abandonment as the natural world continues on around it, progressing with the flow of time while these pieces of history, each possessing their own individual histories remain rooted in a state of solitude and stasis.
Double Bill, is a playful work that focuses on a remote area of the Mojave Desert, California where age-old objects and pieces of art can be found side by side. Its meditative, eerie images re-appropriate pieces of detritus through the overlay of audio tracks from 1960/70's adverts, turning them into objects of strange beauty. The site sits in abandonment as the natural world continues on around it, progressing with the flow of time while these pieces of history, each possessing their own individual histories remain rooted in a state of solitude and stasis.